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Impact on mental health



  • Anxiety and depression rates often higher among young people, those with lower household income, those living with children and living in urban areas. (UCL COVID-19 Social Study).

  • Around 1 in 5 (21%) adults experienced some form of depression in early 2021; more than double that before the pandemic at 10%. (ONS, 2021).

  • Despite increasing rates of depression, diagnoses by GPs fell by almost a quarter, suggesting access to mental health care is in decline. (Health Foundation, May 2021).


  • Partnership focus on mental health in light of rising self-harm admissions, increases in mental health referrals among young people, as well as a rising trend in GP recorded depression.

  • Local survey reported half of respondent’s mental health had been affected, which could result in pressures on voluntary and NHS services.

  • Likely future increase in demand for support services, particularly among younger groups as a result of lost education time and reduced social contact. 

  • Potential social anxiety going back into public - 11% (279) of local survey respondents cited confidence and safety concerns when going out.

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