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Deaths occurring at home


  • End of life care is a key issue for Staffordshire with performance worse than national.

  • Around 2 in 5 are dying at home – worse than national for the latest 5 years. Stafford has the 7th worst in the country for dying at home.

  • Deaths in care homes (all ages) is the lowest of similar authorities and worse than national for the latest 5 years - 19.5% compared to 22.5% in England (2019).

  • Staffordshire is second highest of similar authorities and worse than national for deaths in hospital - 49% compared to 44.9% in England (2019). This links to trends seen elsewhere, with increasing admissions across a range of issues.

Percentage of deaths that occur at home (all ages), 2019

Deaths occurring at home


Source:  Office for National Statistics

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