Community support map
Community assets overview
To help you find support in your community the following resources and assets are available within your area, which signpost to community solutions.
Digital resources:
Community assets:
- Community Help Points: Libraries/VCSE organisations will help signpost people to activities in the community.
- VCSE Strategic Capacity Building Partnership: Support a wide range of community groups and charities to grow and thrive, with Support Staffordshire promoting volunteering opportunities.
- Support Staffordshire
- Social Prescribers: Operate from GP Surgeries and provide signposting and community links.
- Libraries: Regular activities/events for children and adults such as Bounce and Rhyme, Knit and Natter, Tots Time/Storytime and Reading Group.
- Children’s Centres: offer early learning activities and family support and health clinics such as midwifery and health visitors.
- Community Centres and Village Halls: in all communities.
Community solutions for common issues
Staffordshire's strengths and assets
Much Innovation has taken place across the county to address the needs of our population:
- Staffordshire COVID-19 response continually been flagged as best practice.
- Supportive Communities Public health led programme is a community-led approach to prevention, giving residents the information and tools to live healthier lives, and stay independent for longer.
- Our Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Strategic Capacity Building Partnership is working with our communities to build capacity in the VCSE sector and promote social action to help deliver our priorities, including supportive communities, community help points, Holiday Activities and Food Programme and earliest help, activities and engagement with young people (#TheBigAsk survey).
- Whole System Children’s Transformation approach - to improve outcomes for children, including the adoption of a strengths-based culture and practice. This will lead to the first example of integrated education and social care place-based teams in the country.
- Innovation and nationally recognising initiatives to support children and families, including Hungry Little Minds, Family Hubs.
- Earned Autonomy Status with Supporting Families Programme (BRFC) has meant Staffordshire has been able to work with partners to accelerate the way we deliver Early Help in Staffordshire. This is having a positive impact for families and we are overachieving on targets.
- Leading the way in dementia care, with two 'Centres of Excellence' in the county that have built to the University of Stirling's 'gold' standard for dementia care.
Positive outcomes
This section highlights positive outcomes for residents in Staffordshire.
- 3 in 4 children are classed as ‘school ready’ at the age of 5, placing Staffordshire joint top among its statistical neighbours (Note: data not collected in 2020)
- Teenage conception rates have decreased by 25% in the last three years.
- Lowest level of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) amongst our statistical neighbours.
- Decrease in smoking prevalence in adults of nearly 3% since 2012. Smoking related deaths also fallen by 13% in last four years and now better than national.
- Death rates of under-75’s relating to cardiovascular (45% decrease), cancer (22% decrease) and respiratory diseases have reduced over the last fifteen years.
- Rate of people aged 65+ admitted to long-term residential or nursing homes has fallen between 2014/15 (642 per 100,000) and 2019/20 (597 per 100,000), and remains similar to the national average. Almost 90% of admissions were for people aged 75+.
- Following a 10-15% fall in childhood immunisation uptake at the start of the pandemic, infection control and other COVID measures in GP practices have quickly restored uptake to pre COVID levels.