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A to Z of recycling

Cannock Recycling Centre

Cannock Recycling Centre
Lichfield Road, Cannock, WS11 8NQ. Find out what types of recycling and waste are accepted here, the opening hours, and more.


Reduce: Instead of buying a can when on the go or for lunchboxes have you considered taking a reusable container?

Recycle: Clean cans, aerosols, tins, metal bottle/jar tops, aluminium takeaway containers and tin foil can be recycled in your kerbside recycling or taken to any Staffordshire recycling centre.

Car batteries

Car batteries
Recycle (restrictions apply): Car batteries can be taken to Staffordshire's recycling centres. There is a recycling restriction of 2 lead acid batteries every 6 months. Apart from car batteries and engine oil, all other car parts and components, petrol or diesel cannot be accepted at Staffordshire's recycling centres. These items should be recycled through a garage/licensed scrap dealer.


Reduce: Is it possible to choose a product with less packaging?

Reuse: Some boxes are great for using as storage boxes.

Home compost: Small amounts of cardboard can be torn into pieces and used as a valuable addition to the home compost bin to keep it well aerated and reduce smells.

Recycle: Cardboard can be placed for kerbside recycling collection or taken to any of Staffordshire's recycling centres.

Cards (greeting cards, Christmas cards)

Reduce: Have you considered sending an eCard?

Reuse: Cards can be cut up and used as gift tags.

• Home compost: Small amount of card (remove any bits with glitter or other plastic, metal or fabric embellishments) can be added to the home compost bin.
• Kerbside collection: Cards which are free from glitter or other plastic, metal or fabric embellishments can be recycled through your kerbside collection. Check your local council for further information as some services may vary.
• Recycling centres: Staffordshire's recycling centres can accept all cards which are free from glitter or other plastic, metal or fabric embellishments.
Recovery: Cards with glitter or other plastic, metal or fabric embellishments can be placed in the kerbside general waste bin or the general waste skip at Staffordshires recycling centres.

Car parts

Car parts
Disposal: Not permitted in your kerbside bin or at any of Staffordshire's recycling centres.

Carpets and underlay

Carpets and underlay
Reuse: Consider re-using in a smaller room if only a section is worn.

Recycle: Carpets and underlay can recycled at Staffordshire's recycling centres.

Cassette tapes

Cassette tapes
Recycle: We accept video and cassette tapes at all of Staffordshire's recycling centres. Unfortunately, we do not have the facility to accept whole video or cassette tapes for recycling as the tape gets tangled in the recycling process. However, if you are happy to remove the magnetic tape from inside each unit, then the plastic casing can be placed in the hard plastics recycling container, the removed tape will need to go into the general waste.

Recovery: Whole video or cassette tapes or the magnetic tape can be placed in your household general waste bin or taken to any Staffordshire recycling centre.

CDs and DVDs

CDs and DVDs
Reuse:Consider online streaming or purchase a digital copy.

Reuse: Staffordshire recycling centres have a reuse area where items in good condition can be donated. Charity shops accept a wide variety of items. Reuse networks such as Freecycle, Freegle and Ecobees allow members to advertise goods. There are a variety of online selling websites. Other options are advertising in the local paper, or noticeboards in a newsagents or some supermarkets. Old CDs and DVDs make great bird scarers to protect the vegetable garden.

Recycle: Staffordshire's recycling centres accept CDs and DVDs and should be placed in the mixed media bin.

Recovery: CD's and DVDs can be placed in your household general waste bin or taken to the recycling centre.

Cheadle Recycling Centre

Cheadle Recycling Centre
Tower Crane Drive, Off New Haden Road, Cheadle, ST10 1FB. Find out what types of recycling and waste are accepted here, the opening hours, and more.

Chemical waste

Chemical waste
Disposal (restrictions apply): Chemicals should not be placed in your kerbside collection. A small amount is accepted at Staffordshire's recycling centres and should be placed in the chemical safe. Please ask the site attendant for assistance. A limit of 5 x 2.5 litre (or equivalent volume) every 6 months is permitted.

Child car seats

Child car seats
Child's car seats can be taken to the general waste section at the recycling centres.

Clincal waste (sharps, bandages and dressings)

Clincal waste (sharps, bandages and dressings)
Disposal: Non-infectious waste such as incontinence pads and dressings can be placed in your kerbside general waste bin.

Contact your healthcare provider for correct disposal of sharps, these are not permitted in your kerbside bin or at any of Staffordshire's recycling centres.

Suffering from Coronavirus symptoms? Please dispose of personal waste (such as used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths) by double bagging the waste and tie the bag securely or put in a sealed container. The bag or container should be kept separate from other waste for 72 hours before placing in your general waste bin.

Coat hangers

Coat hangers
Reduce: When buying new clothing do you need to take the coat hanger?

Recycle: Coathangers can be recycled at Staffordshire's recycling centres

Coffee cups and waxed cartons

Coffee cups and waxed cartons
Reduce: Have you considered a reusable coffee cup? Some stores may also offer you a discount if you supply your own cup. Some reusable cups are thermally insulated to keep your drink hot for longer.

Recycle: Coffee cups can be recycled at any of Staffordshire's recycling centres in the tetrapak container.

Compact fluorescent

Compact fluorescent
Reduce: Consider replacing broken bulbs with LED bulbs where compatible. They last for longer and are more energy efficient.

Recycle: Staffordshire's recycling centres accept fluorescent tubes and low energy bulbs, some shops also offer low energy bulb collection points.


Electrical items should never be thrown in the rubbish bin, they contain hazardous and valuable materials and should be recycled properly.

Reuse: Staffordshire recycling centres have a reuse area where items in good condition can be donated. Charity shops accept a wide variety of items. Reuse networks such as Freecycle, Freegle and Ecobees allow members to advertise goods. There are a variety of online selling websites. Other options are advertising in the local paper, or noticeboards in a newsagents or some supermarkets.

Recycle: Small electrical and electronic items are accepted through some council collections. They also offer bulky waste collections for larger items. Check your local council for further information and charges. Small and large electrical and electronic items can be brought to any of Staffordshire's recycling centres.


Reuse: Consider if the material can be re-used in another home project.

Recycle (charges apply): Concrete can be taken to any of Staffordshire's recycling centres. There is a charge £3 per bag over two 50L bags, the first two bags are free of charge . They are available from DIY stores or you can buy them from the recycling centre for 10p. Waste can be presented loose or in different sized bags and charges will be estimated by staff.

Contact us - Waste and recycling

If you have a question about waste and recycling, you can contact the team via phone or email.


Reduce: Wherever possible repair broken items to keep them in use that bit longer.

Reuse: Before you throw anything away why not see if it can be reused. There are lots of ways this can be done, including the reuse area at Staffordshire's recycling centres, charity shops, reuse networks such as Freecycle, Freegle and Ecobees, or even sell your items.

Recycle: Cookers can be recycled at any Staffordshire Recycling Centre, and local councils can arrange for bulky waste collections.

Cooking oil

Cooking oil
Reduce: Consider baking, grilling, steaming or boiling rather than frying.

Recycle: Used oil can be taken to any of Staffordshire's recycling centres.

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