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Get Started and Grow Guidance

Purpose of the scheme

As we recover from the effects of the pandemic, our main priority is to enable the Staffordshire economy to grow by supporting the creation of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses to facilitate employment into quality jobs.

To further support Staffordshire’s entrepreneurs in their journey, we have launched the ‘Get Started & Grow’ scheme to support your business with a choice between 5 different packages, delivered to you by experts in their field: 

This project is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

To deliver these services, we have appointed experts in the areas of who will work with you to provide the package you decide will be of most benefit to help get your business off the ground.  This expertise will be provided free of charge to successful applicants. Any additional support required outside this scope will be down to the individual business to financially cover. Any extra work is outside of Staffordshire County Councils remit.

You can only choose one package per business: 

1. Marketing package

Choose between either a branding option to allow you to market test your product or a website option, to allow you to track traffic and interest in your product/service or digital marketing to help advance your business. If your business already has a comprehensive website we regret that you will not be eligible for the website support. You will still be eligible for the branding support. The Branding option will give you logo options and brand guidelines.

2. Social media package

This is flexible to the unique needs of your business and can involve a 1-2-1 ½ day digital marketing strategy workshop with our digital marketing expert, followed by up to six two hour 1-2-1 coaching sessions which will help you deliver the digital marketing plan that evolves from your strategy workshop. Content can also be produced.

3. Accountancy package

This will give you the expertise of an accountant to test the profitability etc. of your business idea, providing you with the information you need to take your business forward. This can include cashflow projections, budget breakdowns and target setting.

4. Legal package

This will give you up to two hours of legal advice and support. With a speciality in contract law, help can be given towards, Terms and Conditions, Contracts of Trade/Sale, Non-Disclosure agreements, through to company structure and Shareholder Agreements. This is only written advice and no documents will be produced.

5. HR package

This can include advice on complex people issues which are restricting organisational growth, ensure constructive employee relations to optimise working efficiency within your business, comprehensive advice and on-site support in times of dispute (disciplinary, grievance & performance issues). The consultants will work with your business to ensure that relevant recruitment processes are used and that these are all legally compliant.

Eligibility and conditions

The funding for this scheme will be available on a first come, first served basis to businesses based in Staffordshire (excluding Stoke-on-Trent) and applications will be assessed in order of time and date received.

  1.  Only one Get Started and Grow service will be awarded per applicant. 
  2. The business must have been trading for no more than 5 years at the time of application
  3. The Council reserves the right to withdraw the service where the conditions attached to the award have not been adhered to or to alter the criteria of the scheme at its absolute discretion.
  4. The decision of Staffordshire County Council is final, there will be no chance to appeal.
  5. If your business has a fully comprehensive website already you will not be eligible for the website support. However, you are still eligible for the other areas of support.
  6. The business must start trading within six months of the application date. We can not support businesses who will start trading later than this.
  7. A full application form must be submitted to be eligible for the support.
  8. A signed subsidy control form must be submitted and completed to be eligible for support.
  9. The applicant must sign a referral form at the end of the project to state the work has been completed.

How is the application determined?

  1. Once a full application is received internal officers appraise the application.
  2. Once appraised, this is sent to the Head of Funding Business and Enterprise to agree.
  3. Outcome can either be approved, approved with conditions such as attend a start-up mentor scheme or deny.
  4. If the scheme is oversubscribed, you will be placed on a waitlist and advised of wait times.
  5. If your application is denied, we will work with you to help you understand why and signpost to different support.

Application completion guidance

Q.9. Please include registered company no. if applicable or alternative number as indicated

Q.10. Please clearly detail your business activity – please state exactly what your business is, who your target customers are, how you plan to operate and why you started the business.

Q.12. Please clearly state how long your business has been trading or the date it is due to start trading.

Q.13. Please give detail of any Start-up/business growth mentoring support you have received previously

Q.15. Define business size (Micro = less than10 employees; Small = less than 50 employees)

Q.16. Please include your business sector and Standard Industrial Classification Code

How are your details used?

The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (UK Gov website Data Protection) that controls how a person’s personal information is used by Staffordshire County Council (SCC).

As the information collected through the delivery of Get started and Grow relates to business data, it does not fall under GDPR regulations.

  • If you express an interest in any element of Get Started and Grow, SCC will store your business data electronically and will share it with the business providing the support. SCC may share it with the project partners, project evaluators or to comply with auditing or reporting requirements. 
  • By providing us with your business email address you agree to receive emails related to business support from SCC. You may unsubscribe at any time. 
  • By signing a completed application form, the business accepts agreement to this guidance and conditions. 

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