Social relationships and community activities
Can you get out and about in the local community without help? Can you make new friends and keep in touch with friends and family without help?
What's available in my local area?
If you are looking for social activities, our directory site Staffordshire Connects can help you find groups and activities.
This includes activities like:
Further information
Staffordshire Cares
If you are unable to keep in touch with others or get out and about and wish to discuss this in more detail, contact our Staffordshire Cares team for further advice.
#DoingOurBit – What one thing can you do?

Volunteering is a great way to get active, meet new people and help your local community with things you care about. Volunteering doesn’t have to be intensive, you can find the voluntary role that’s right for you, whether it’s a few hours a week or something more.
Find out more about volunteering from the #DoingOurBit website.