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e-safety: Welcome to the thinkuknow website

Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what's good, what's not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there's an area for you too - with resources you can use at home or just to get with it. Most importantly, there's also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online. Visit thinkuknow website

Are you being bullied?

Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school home or online might involve someone pushing you, hitting you, teasing you, talking about you or calling you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it, you can talk to someone about it. Bullying can happen to anyone at any age.  Visit the bullying information at ChildLine

Know IT All for parents

Contains advice for parents and carers, and a special section for children and young people. Visit Childnet International for Know IT All.

Voluntary Sector

Parents are encouraged to avail themselves with advice and support from independent Home Education charitable groups:

Education Otherwise Association

61 Bridge Street

Phone: 0300 124 5690

Education Otherwise Association is the largest UK membership organisation which provides support and information for families whose children are being educated at home. General information and contacts for local support groups.

South Cheshire And North Staffordshire Home Educators' Activity Group SCAN-HEAG

SCANS-HEAG is a committee led group set up by local home-educators. We actively seek and apply for funding to enable home-educated children and young people to participate in group activities without financial barriers. During 2007-2009 our members participated in team-building, kayaking, windsurfing, skiing, climbing, scuba diving, drumming, archery and bush crafts.For more information about our group and other local activities including family activity afternoons, drama, swimming and gymnastics email: scans.heag@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01270 88397

Home Education Advisory Service

P.O. Box 98
Welwyn Garden City

Phone/Fax: 01707 371854

This is a support group which offers information for home educators including advice about educational materials, resources, GCSE examinations, special educational needs, information technology, and legal matters. Basic information about elective home education and local detail for families in Staffordshire.  

Home Education

Home Education gives legal guidelines, mailing lists, chat, articles, events calendar, research questionnaire, FAQs, support group listings, Northern Ireland section, scrapbook, games, quizzes and other resources.

HE Special UK

HE Special UK provides information, articles, resources and mailing list for parents of children with special needs who would like to educate at home.

Home Education in the UK

Information and resources for anyone interested in home education in Britain. Many articles about different aspects of education at home, ideas, and books.  


Articles and news about alternatives to school-based education, e.g. Montessori, Rudolph Steiner and the Waldorf method, with emphasis on education at home. 

Christian Home Education

Tips and resources for Christian home schooling

Muslims and Home Education

Muslims and Home Education was set up in December 2003 to support Muslim parents and carers.

Muddle Puddle

Home education resources and ideas for parents with younger children.

Autism West  Midlands

Autism West Midlands aims to improve the quality of life for people with autistic spectrum disorders and their families by raising awareness of the condition and making provision for the individual needs of people with autistic spectrum disorders. We are the principal provider of autism-specific services for children and adults in the West Midlands region.

Friends, Families and Travellers

This is an advice, information and training organisation providing a range of services, including educational advice, to all Travellers - whether traditional, new, settled or on the road.

Phone: 01273 234777

The National Association of Traveller Teachers

They work to promote and improve the education of Travellers. They provide a national list of educational contacts for Travelling families.

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