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Land charges mapping portal

This interactive map can be used to help you complete your own Personal Search and contains data on road adoption/maintenance status, common land or town/village greens and historical highway schemes. Please note: the map may not show if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer. If this is your default browser and it doesn't display, please try again with another browser. 

For your information:

The maintenance status does not provide the actual extent of the adopted highway. If this is required, please refer to Highway Extent requests.

If the status of the road shows:

  • "HMPE" (Highway maintainable at public expense) - this is adopted by Staffordshire County Council
  • "HMPE (Highways England)" - this is adopted by Highways England
  • "Not SCC Maintained" or "Private" - this maintenance falls to another authority or body, and we do not hold records of who this is

If you require information on land ownership please contact Land Registry as we do not hold these records. 

If the location of your search reveals a historical highway scheme, it is likely this may not materialise, and is included as part of a historical proposal. The scheme will either come to fruition in the future (hence the reason for route protection), or it needs to be formally abandoned if no longer required. Until either happens, it still needs to be declared. If formally abandoned, it will no longer show on the map.  

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