About the Health and Wellbeing Board

Health and Wellbeing Boards were established through the Health and Social Care Act 2012. They were set up to bring together key partners across the NHS, public health, adult social care and children’s services, including elected representatives and Local Healthwatch to lead the agenda for health and wellbeing within an area.
The board has a duty to assess the needs of the area through a joint strategic needs assessment and from that develop a clear strategy for addressing those needs - a joint health and wellbeing strategy. The board met in shadow form before taking on its formal status from April 2013.
Councillor Mark Sutton is the Chair of the Staffordshire Health and Wellbeing Board, and representatives from Staffordshire County Council, the Integrated Care Board and the NHS attend each meeting. Additional representatives from the district and borough councils, Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue and Integrated Care Board are also invited to attend the board.
Where can I view meetings’ papers and minutes?
You can find agenda packs and minutes taken at the Public Board Meetings on our committee details page or directly via the links below:
2024-25 meetings:
Further information
For further information, please contact us:
Email: StaffsHWBB@staffordshire.gov.uk