Virtual Training Protocols and Guidance
Our virtual training sessions allow us to deliver quality training remotely using current technologies, before attending one of our sessions please read through the guidance below.
- Please be online and on time ready for prompt commencement of the training.
- We suggest you allow up to 15 minutes prior to commencement of the session in case you require technical assistance.
- For your comfort we will ensure regular breaks are built into the training. Please return at the time requested.
Training session good practice & courtesy
- Please ensure that where you are situated for the training is within a confidential environment, either in your workplace or at home and in a place where you will not be disturbed. We will be sharing real life scenarios, trainer and audience, which brings reality to the training and supports learning.
- Please mute your microphones when not speaking to prevent an echo effect occurring during the training session.
- Please keep your camera switched on at all times during the training, except during breaks.
- Our aim is for you to be able to interact during the session and we will provide opportunities for discussion and to ask any questions at regular intervals.
- Please ask questions either by raising your hand on the bar in front of you on the screen or by typing a question in the meeting chat box.
- Please engage fully in online work without any background distractions. Log out of all social media so you are not distracted during the lesson.
- Please do not use your mobile phones during the training.
- Please be mindful that handouts you will have received may not follow the presentation slides as pictures could have been removed and slide numbers will differ to the copy you have printed out. You may wish to take additional notes.
Data protection & confidentiality
- Confidentiality will be respected, and any personal experiences shared by participants during the training shared will remain in the ‘virtual ‘classroom’.
- Any personal information, e.g. email addresses provided by Care Market Development Team (CMDT) will be deleted by Quality Care Training Consultancy following completion of the course.
Safeguarding concerns & our obligations
- As an organisation we fully support safeguarding and may need to share any concerns about safeguarding within practice that arise during the training. If this were necessary, concerns would be discussed in private with the individual participant by the trainer.