B5018 Main Street, Branston Footway and Cycleway Improvement Scheme
Staffordshire County Council is proposing £1.9 million highway improvement scheme on B5018 Main Street, Branston. The project aims to widen the existing footpath to add a cycleway, creating an improved route for both pedestrians and cyclists.
The proposed measures aim to increase capacity and provide a more direct and safer route alongside this busy road. Additionally, the proposal is intended to mitigate any impact of Network Rail's proposed permanent closure of the level crossing at Warren Lane and will accommodate the growth in pedestrian and cycle trips associated with the residential developments in Branston. The scheme can only go ahead if the Warren Lane level crossing is permanently closed.
These measures will also provide more crossing facilities on both sides of the bridge that passes over the Birmingham to Derby main railway. The proposal will complement the new pedestrian and cycle facilities being delivered at the Main Street/B5018 junction and support the wider cycle network proposal of Staffordshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan 2021. It will also link to the National Cycle Network Route 54, serving the John Taylor Free School and the Branston Locks development.
Consultation drawings
We have also made the consultation drawings available for the member of the public to view from Burton Library (Burton Library, Riverside, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 1AH).
Frequently asked questions
- Branston Footway and Cycleway Improvement Scheme FAQs
- Network Rails FAQs related to the permanent closure of the level crossing at Warren Lane
- Branston Railway Bridge scheme
Find out more