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Secondary education

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Road safety education resources and presentations are available free of charge to all Staffordshire schools.

Presentations are available for all year groups and can be tailored to suit issues at your school,  please contact your Road Safety Education Officer at roadsafetyeducation@staffordshire.gov.uk

Transition to high school

Available for both Year 5 in Middle Schools and Year 6 in Junior and Primary Schools.  Presentation looks at the changes in journeys, modes of travel, distractions and staying safe. 

Year 7: Pedestrian Safety Presentation

Interactive presentation by Road Safety Education Officers and/or partnership officers about risk taking and distraction. 


Year 10 or 11: Passenger Safety Presentation

Interactive presentation by Road Safety Education Officers and/or partnership officers about travelling safely in all vehicles.  This presentation looks at pre-driver issues and gives strategies for travelling as passengers in vehicles. 



Transition documents

Transition to high school is the time when pupils are most at risk of being injured or killed on our roads. Statistics show that young people who are distracted by their friends or technology are most at risk from being injured as they are not giving the roads their full attention. The peak age for children being hurt on our roads is aged 12. 

To help your child we have created a leaflet that will help you to discuss these issues with your child and prepare them for their journey to their new school. 

The following documents give extra help and advice.



Year 7

Pedestrian and cyclist safety presentation

Presentations of up to approximately 1 hour are available free of charge to Staffordshire Schools. Staffordshire schools, contact your Road Safety Education Officer to book by emailing:  roadsafetyeducation@staffordshire.gov.uk    


Are young people aware of the risk to their age group of becoming a road traffic collision casualty? Road Traffic Collisions cause more deaths each year among 10 to 14 year olds than any other type of accident and child pedestrian casualties peak at 12. More boys are hurt and killed than girls.

  • Distractions which cause injuries and deaths to pedestrians and cyclists. The dangers of mobile phones, I Players, peer distraction etc. 

  • Risk taking. What dangerous actions do they and other young people do, which increases their risk of being a casualty? How much of a risk taker are they? Why are boys more likely to take risks, including ‘playing chicken’? 


  • To present the statistics relating to road traffic casualties for this age group.

  • To explain the risks that young people take when out walking and cycling.

  • To highlight hazards young people may encounter while walking or cycling.

  • To highlight dangerous actions and distractions, which could make young people less safe near traffic. 

  • To show young people how to make behavioural changes if necessary. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session students should:

  • know the pedestrian and cycling accident statistics relating to their age and sex.

  • recognise actions at and on the roads, which may lead to injury.

  • recognise hazards and have some knowledge of how to deal with them.

  • recognise dangerous actions and distractions, which may cause injury.

  • understand how they can change their behaviour to make themselves and their peers safer at the roadside.

  • be able to set personal goals to help keep themselves safe.



Year 10/11

Passenger safety presentation

Presentations of up to approximately 1 hour are available free of charge to Staffordshire Schools. Staffordshire schools, contact your Road Safety Education Officer to book by emailing:  roadsafetyeducation@staffordshire.gov.uk  


Are young people aware of the risk to their age group of becoming a road traffic collision casualty? Road Traffic Collisions cause more deaths each year among 15 to 24 year olds than any other type of accident. More boys are hurt and killed than girls.

Do you really know your driver?

The risks young people take and their responsibilities as passengers in vehicles, including the following:

  • the risks attached to not wearing a seatbelt

  • the effects and possible consequences of the driver being distracted by phones, passengers, loud music etc

  • consequences of peer pressure, both positive and negative

  • the risks attached to speeding and inappropriate speed (overconfidence)

  • consequences of the driver being under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • possible consequences of the driver being inexperienced 


  • to present the statistics relating to road traffic casualties for this age group

  • to explain the risks that young people take if they do not wear a seatbelt in a vehicle

  • to highlight the possible consequences of distracting the driver when a passenger in a vehicle

  • to highlight their responsibilities to their fellow passengers in any vehicle

  • to be a responsible passenger in any vehicle

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session students should:

  • know the risks to their age group of being a road traffic casualty

  • recognise the potential consequences of not wearing a seatbelt

  • understand how distractions, alcohol and drugs can affect the driver's ability to drive safely

  • understand how speed and inexperience can affect the driver's ability to drive safely

  • recognise their role in keeping all vehicle occupants safe

  • understand how they can use positive, not negative peer pressure to make themselves and their peers safer in vehicles

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