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Application conditions - Scaffolding/hoarding permits

Conditions applicable to assemble or retain on or over a highway, any scaffolding/hoarding or other structure in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 sections 169, 172 and 173.

General conditions

  1. Scaffolding/hoarding shall not be placed on the highway without the prior written approval of the Highway Network Manager or their representative.The erection of scaffolding/hoarding without written permission is an offence under The Highways Act 1980 and may result in prosecution.

  2. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the scaffolding/hoarding is positioned on the highway in such a way that it does not cause unnecessary obstruction to other road users. The permit holder is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate legislation is adhered to.

  3. The applicant must have the minimum public liability insurance cover (£5 million), proof of which shall be required. The insurance must cover the full period that the item is situated on the highway. The highway authority must be notified immediately of any changes to or termination of a policy that may affect this insurance requirement. The highway authority is entitled to amend a permission in such instances and request the immediate removal of the scaffolding/hoarding.

  4. The applicant shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Staffordshire County Council as the highway authority against any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings whatsoever made against the Staffordshire County Council in respect of loss, injury (including death) or damage occurring to any property or sustained by any person and arising in any way whatever out of the erection, and dismantling of the scaffolding/hoarding or other structure, and the indemnity shall also continue in force without any amendment during the period of this permission. The policy of insurance cover for Public Liability shall be sufficient to cover all risks attendant upon the placing of the scaffolding/hoarding on the highway and the indemnity limit shall be a minimum of £5 million, and this must be produced for inspection by the Highway Officer.

  5. The Applicant shall allow at least ten working days from receipt of an application for a licence to place scaffolding/hoarding on the highway and the date on which the licence is intended to commence.

  6. The Applicant shall only erect/dismantle scaffolding/hoarding on the public highway between the hours of 07.30 and 20.30 hours on all days unless specifically notified to the contrary within the additional special conditions applied to the permission. In some cases, work in town centres and other particular locations may be conditioned to be carried out only outside of normal working hours.

  7. Permission to place a scaffold/hoarding does not extend to other activities such as placing an item (for e.g. a skip) and a further permission would be required. Contact the Network Management Unit if unsure whether additional permits are required.

Scaffolding and hoarding

  1. The scaffolding shall satisfy the recommendations contained in BS 5973:1993.

  2. The applicant shall notify the local police of the dates when he intends to unload, prior to the commencement of the work, and load the scaffolding components.

  3. The applicant must provide, erect, maintain and subsequently remove all warning signs, lamps etc. with due regard to the standards recommended in Chapter 8 of the Department of Transport Traffic Signs Manual 1991. This relates to the provision and siting of warning signs, road danger lamps etc. When in doubt about requirements please consult the Highway Network Management office.

  4. The applicant must provide and maintain adequate provisions for all traffic, and particularly pedestrians, as required under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Disabled Persons Act 1981 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and the Construction (Working Places) Regulations 1966 (as amended by the Construction [Metrication] during the erection, use, and removal of the scaffolding or other structure.

  5. The applicant must either:

    1. Provide a convenient covered platform and handrail to serve as a footway for pedestrians in the carriageway outside the scaffolding or other structure.


    2. Provide a convenient footway for pedestrians under the scaffolding or structure.

There should be minimum headroom of 2.13 metres beneath the scaffolding and no less than 1.25 metres width of footway in lightly trafficked areas and 1.50 metres in busier areas width of footway.

Pedestrian barriers should be attached to the scaffolding/hoarding and should be of a reasonably solid construction to guide visually impaired people.

They should have a robust tapping rail (a red and white retro reflective barrier plank may be used) fixed to a height of approximately 150mm above ground level, measured to the underside of the rail and a robust handrail which shall be painted in alternating red and white bands approximately 300mm wide, at a height of between 1.00m and 1.20m measured to the top of the rail.

In both cases the rail should be at least 150mm deep.

The thickness and/or width will depend on the material and construction and will need to be such as to ensure sufficient strength.

  1. Poles/supports must not cross the highway (diagonally) in such a way as to cause an obstruction to highway users passing beneath the scaffold. If the structure requires diagonal supports, a suitable pedestrian walkway outside of the scaffold must be provided (see 12(i)).

  2. All vertical scaffolding within 2 metres of the ground must be wrapped in protective cushioning and covered with red and white hi-visibility marker tape. Particular attention must be given to nuts, bolts, projections, etc.

  3. Where erected within 460mm of, or upon the carriageway, a black and white striped board shall be fixed to the outside standard of the scaffolding facing oncoming traffic. A white painted balk of timber shall be laid in the road channel abutting the kerb face and topped with cones.

  4. A road sign depicting a white arrow on a blue background (diagram 610 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (2002) and appropriate road narrows board directing traffic away from the kerb must be provided and sited on the upstream side of the balks.

  5. The applicant must sufficiently light the scaffolding or other structure and any platform and handrail and cause the works to be properly guarded and lighted at all times between half an hour before sunset to half an hour after sunrise or in fog.

    Road Danger lamps must be placed on scaffolding/hoarding and may show either steady or intermittent amber light. The height of the centre of each lens of a road danger lamp shall not exceed 150mm where the speed limit of the road is 40mph or less and not less than 120mm where the speed limit on the road is more than 40mph.

    Where a road danger lamp which shows an intermittent light is placed within 50 metres of a street lamp lit by electricity on a road subject to a speed limit of 40mph or less, the rate of flashing shall be not less than 30 no more than 150 flashes per minute. On other roads the rate of flashing shall not be less than 900 flashes per minute. They should be placed at regular intervals along the line of the obstruction. Lamps should comply at all times with BS3143: Part 2: 1990 “Low intensity battery operated lamps” or an equivalent specification of a European Economic Area State, and must comply with Regulations 40. Care should be taken to ensure that the intervals at which bulbs and batteries are changed and the type of replacements used are in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.

  6. Where necessary the applicant must place suitable steel plates where necessary between the vertical scaffolding poles and the highway to prevent damage to the highway surface. If it should be necessary to repair the footway or carriageway a permanent reinstatement to a standard required by the highway authority will be required at the applicants’ expense.

  7. The applicant must ensure that the scaffolding/hoarding or other structure is boarded and screened in such a manner as to prevent the falling of any tool or object onto the highway and that as little inconvenience as possible is caused to the general public. No door forming part of any hoarding shall be hung, so as to open outwards across any part of the highway.

  8. The scaffolding/hoarding or other structure must be satisfactorily earthed (BS 6651 – 1992). One suitable method is to run a metal (not Aluminium) strip 20mm x 2.5mm in size underneath and in contact with the base plates carrying the vertical members. This strip should be suitably earthed at intervals not exceeding 20 metres.

  9. The applicant must accede to any reasonable request by a statutory/licensed undertaker or highway authority to do anything necessary for the purpose of giving access to or protection their apparatus.

  10. The applicant shall provide sufficient and satisfactory protection to prevent water used for washing buildings from falling upon any part of the protected highway.

  11. For walk-through scaffoldings the first lift shall be protected at its perimeter by a 1.83 metre high chain link or mesh fence or substantial sheeting to prevent unauthorised access.

  12. The scaffolding shall be fenced to a height of 1.83 metres.

  13. Loose scaffolding components shall not be stored on any part of the highway unless secured within a fenced off area not accessible to the public.

  14. Every hoist or pulley wheel shall be adequately fenced. No load shall be raised or lowered over the highway unless there is adequate protection for the public.

  15. All lower ladders shall be removed when the scaffolding is not in use to prevent any unauthorised access.

  16. The applicant shall continue to maintain the scaffolding/hoarding or other structure in such a way as not to cause a hazard to the highway user.

  17. On completion of the works the applicant will remove the scaffolding/hoarding or other structure and any associated works when required and will undertake to make good any damage to the highway caused as a result of the proposed works. In the event of a failure to do so the applicant will be required to reimburse the Staffordshire County Council as the highway authority the cost of making good any such damage.

Additional conditions

  1. The applicant will comply with the conditions listed in the Health & Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 guide issued in July 2000 on the safe erection and dismantling of scaffolding.

  2. Any other condition as may be required by unusual site conditions may be added and any of the above not applicable may be deleted from the consent form.

  3. All the above to be carried out to the satisfaction of the highway authority.
  4. Traffic includes pedestrians and animals.

Please note: Where the highway authority grants permission to place scaffolding, hoarding or other structure on the highway it should be noted that this permission only relates to the signing and guarding measures and other traffic management measures required to ensure the safety to the travelling public.

It is not an acceptance or endorsement by the highway authority as to the safety, design or stability of the scaffolding/hoarding or other structure. This remains the responsibility of the applicant who, if any doubt, should contact the building regulation section of the appropriate district council for advice. 


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