Family History Records - William Salt Library
Family histories
A large collection of printed and typescript sources relating to the history of Staffordshire families, together with biographies of prominent local people.
Genealogical notes
Notes made by local genealogists from local and national sources, including copies of pedigrees, letters, title deeds, wills, etc.
Heraldic material
William Salt's original collection contains collections of coats of arms of a number of Staffordshire and Shropshire families.
Transcripts of manuscript sources
Transcripts produced by local societies and individuals of sources such as parish registers, wills, etc.
Trade directories
An excellent collection of trade directories for both the county and its main towns, c.1790-1970.
Poll Books
Poll books for both the county and borough divisions during the 18th and 19th centuries. Please note that there are significant gaps in our holdings.
Newspaper entries - Births, Marriages and Deaths
The Library possesses a collection of Births, Marriages and Deaths entries from The Staffordshire Advertiser newspaper for the period 1795-1860. There is also an index of names for these entries between 1795 and 1840.
Genealogical Magazines
These include copies of The Genealogist Magazine, The Midland Ancestor, The Genealogist and a number of local family history society journals, as well as a comprehensive series of The Index Library's indexes to probate records.
Other sources
Peerages, printed school and university registers, law lists, clerical directories, Staffordshire monumental inscriptions, etc.