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The child should remain part of the setting for all activities except for exceptional circumstances or when direct teaching is needed to develop vision specific skills e.g. scanning /tracking/ hand eye co-ordination skills etc.

The key person is responsible for the progress and support of the pupil and may need to adjust the sessions to allow for Habilitation sessions as directed by the Specialist Teacher for Visual Impairment (mobility / independence skills such as dressing, fastenings, gross motor skills etc.).

Key staff need to have a more detailed understanding of the visual loss and its impact on the child as an individual.  Additional CPD and support may be requested from the QTVI.

Setting based training for whole staff, groups of staff or individual staff can be provided by the Visually Impaired Service. Centrally based 1 day training for Key  teachers and teaching assistants/support staff is offered annually.

The Specialist Qualified Teacher of the VI in conjunction with the Mobility Team will be involved to advise the setting about environmental audits and Quality First Teaching of children with VI.

The key person may need to consider the following in the planning and delivering of the sessions:

  • Prepare enlarged and accessible materials, incidental information in the setting may be visually inaccessible and the pupil will need a personal copy to view. e.g. flashcards, writing mats, word walls etc.
  • Encourage self-advocacy skills e.g. pupil sitting in correct place according to their visual needs
  • Provide alternative writing / mark making implements such as black felt tip pen, 4B pencils / high contrast materials (e.g. pink / blue glue) / bright paints/ coloured pasta etc
  • Daily checks that prescription glasses are being worn when necessary and kept clean (not all VI pupils may need to wear glasses).
  • Large print learning materials in pupil’s specific print size, font style, line spacing and colour of paper.
  • Opportunity for pupil with VI to explore the environment 1:1 and to be made aware of any ‘new’ classroom displays /activities
  • Environment to be kept clutter free and work areas well defined ensuring good lighting.
  • Pupils may need help to locate friends / activities within the setting
  • Specific teaching of ICT skills may be included as part of their learning (iPads have a host of useful apps to develop vision and tracking skills)
  • The key person can be used for pre-tutoring and post tutoring, allowing the learners to explore concepts prior to and following up from a delivered session eg 1:1 preview of story time book, having personal set of flashcards etc.
  • The following organisations produce large print books; fiction, non-fiction, etc:
  • Risk assessments are needed for practical activities and off-site visits should be undertaken.
  • Support during unstructured times e.g. break times should be provided where needed or where activities are specifically related to vision.
  • It would be beneficial to develop support through an Individual Support Plan or One Plan including advice from  QTVI.  The QTVI will provide ‘Functional Vision’ summary recommendations that are pupil specific.


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