A new way to refer into your Staffordshire Midwifery team, with an electronic service which lets you access your 'My Pregnancy Notes Account' to give you the most up to date information available.
View more information on the University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust website.
Before your baby is born
Everything you need to know to have a healthy pregnancy and prepare for the birth of your baby from our Staffordshire Health Visitor and School Nursing Team.
View more information on the NHS Midlands Partnership University Trust website.
Health visitor - antenatal tests
28 to 36 weeks pregnant in the home.
A flyer is sent to the family home asking them to make an appointment through the hub.
They provide support through your parenting journey with the right information, advice and guidance to promote your family's health and wellbeing. Focus on the importance of your role and as a parent building a relationships with your child and the impact you have on their development.
View more information on the NHS Midlands Partnership University Trust website.
Advice and support from Staffordshire Perinatal Community Team
To give support to mothers who are experiencing or are at risk of developing mental health difficulties. The freephone crisis helpline is available.
View more information on the NHS Midlands Partnership University Trust website.
Healthy Start Vitamins
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant you may be entitled to help to buy healthy food and milk and vitamins to support you during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
More information can be found on the Healthy Start website.
Chat Health
A text messaging service and app for young people and parents to ask for health and wellbeing advice from our Families Health and Wellbeing Team.
View more information on Staffordshire Connects.
Healthy eating in pregnancy
Better health advice and support on eating a healthy, nutritious diet when pregnant.
View more information on the NHS Start for Life website.
Better Health pregnancy support
NHS Better Health offer a week-by-week guide to your pregnancy along with emails tailored to your stage of pregnancy or baby's age.
View more information on Staffordshire Connects.
Speech, Language and Communication Journey (SLCN)
It's never too late to start bonding with your baby. Here's the advice and support on how your baby is developing and how you can get support.
View more information on the SLCN webpage.
Kids Count
Feeling your baby move is a sign they are well. This website gives you lots of advice and support on your baby movements and when to seek support.
View more information on the Kids Count website.