Posted on Wednesday 15th May 2024

Husband and wife, Stefan Audrusychyn and Denise Leigh on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’. Credit: ITV
A county council employee, who supports families and children with visual impairments across Staffordshire, won the nation’s hearts after a spellbinding Britain's Got Talent performance.
Pianist Stefan Audrusychyn who is part of Staffordshire County Council’s Vision Inclusion team, joined his opera-singing wife Denise, to perform a show-stopping rendition of the Sound of Music’s ‘Climb Every Mountain’.
Mark Sutton, the county council’s Cabinet member for Children and Young People, said the attitude of the couple - who are both registered blind - was truly inspiring.
Mark said:
“I’m sure I speak for everyone at the county council when I say we were absolutely blown away by Stefan and Denise’s performance and couldn't be prouder of them.
“Stefan has a unique role with us here as a Vision Inclusion Role Model. He supports children at their schools by helping them understand their visual impairments and teaching them how to use assistive technology. He is an incredible role model to the children, inspiring them to not let anything stop them from chasing their dreams.
“I wish Stefan and Denise the best of luck and hope to see them grace our television screens again soon.”
On the show Stefan and Denise, from Audley, told judges they first performed together in 2006 when they were booked for the same awards event in London.
Denise also revealed to judges that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 but is now in the clear, which evoked cheers from the auditorium.
The couple’s performance dazzled viewers - even reducing judge Bruno Tonioli to tears - and was met with an emotive standing ovation.
Stefan said:
“That wall of sound when we finished... when you have got 4,000 people that close to you making that amount of noise, it is such a visceral thing. It is that sort of thing that lifts you off your feet.”
The duo received unanimous yes votes from BGT’s four judges with Alesha Dixon describing them as “naturally funny” and Simon Cowell telling them, “Without people like you, this show is nothing.”
Supporting Stefan and Denise was their 11-year-old son Demetri, guide dog Tilly and Denise’s two sons from a previous relationship, Michael, 28, and Sam, 26.
The pair should soon find out if they have made the semi-final, but Stefan is feeling hopeful.
He said:
“It is always building and building and making it bigger than it was in the previous round, which is difficult. We'll see what happens but we have got some ideas so, hopefully, they ask us to come back and we can drag those out. It's completely live the next stage so ramping up the pressure!”