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Getting the right skills for the job


Posted on Monday 22nd July 2019

When the time comes for your child to get a job, they’ll need to have studied the right subjects and chosen a learning route which gets them the skills that employers want. 

You might think it's too early to start thinking about that, but knowing where the good jobs will be in the future will help you make sure that your child chooses the learning, skills and qualifications they need to get one. 

In recent years this has been a problem nationally with the development of a 'skills gap' meaning that people looking for jobs didn't have the skills that employers needed and businesses struggled to get the skilled people they needed.

The good news is that in Staffordshire, as well as near full employment, the skills gap is closing, and the rate of people gaining qualifications is now growing faster than it is nationally. 

A whole range of skills programmes, from the advanced manufacturing and engineering hub to targeted interventions for those most in need, have contributed to the dramatic rise in skills.

Find out more about the job sectors that are growing in Staffordshire and where the jobs will be in the future.


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