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The workplace health offer in Staffordshire

Workplace Health logoThroughout these workplace health webpages there is lots of information, advice and guidance that businesses can use to help improve their staff’s health and wellbeing. 

The pages cover a range of different health and wellbeing topics, giving details of specific resources that can be used to support action in that area. The resources include toolkits, local and national campaigns, tools, websites, training and support services. Take a look at the sections on the right for more information.


Where to start?

If you’re unsure about which area to focus on, then the ‘Foundation Level’ of the ‘Thrive at Work’ Workplace Wellbeing Awards Programme (which is run by the West Midlands Combined Authority), may be a good starting point.

This has been developed as an easy 5 step approach. It will help you to identify and understand the needs of both your employees and your organisation, assisting you to develop a workplace wellbeing action plan. On completion, you’ll even get a certificate and accreditation logo, to recognise the efforts your business has made to improve the wellbeing of your staff.


Support in Staffordshire

Healthy Workplace Newsletter

Make sure you sign up to Staffordshire's ‘Healthy Workplace Newsletter’ to keep up to date with national and local campaigns, resources and guidance to support the health of your workforce. 

Healthy lifestyle support – Everyone Health Staffordshire 

Everyone Health Staffordshire offer a free healthy lifestyle service to Staffordshire residents. This includes support to help people lose weight, give up smoking and get more active.

They also offer a free healthy workplace service to some businesses in Staffordshire, to support employees to stay healthy.

Restrictions apply. For more information, visit the ‘Healthy lifestyle support’ section. 

Active and sustainable travel – Staffordshire Air Aware

Staffordshire County Council can support you to promote active and sustainable travel options within your workplace. For more information, visit the ‘Active travel and air quality in the workplace’ section. 

Mental Health Awareness Training

There are some free (and paid for) training sessions available to Staffordshire businesses around mental health. For more information, visit the ‘Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace’ section.

Also, take a look at the sections on the right for additional services, tools and resources.

If you are a business based in Staffordshire (excluding Stoke-on-Trent) and you would like to discuss the support available, please get in touch by emailing: WorkplaceHealth@staffordshire.gov.uk.


Get in touch

Let us know the great things that your business is doing on workplace health by emailing Workplace Health.

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