Management Networks
There are a range of support networks that Skills for Care have implemented to support leadership teams within the care sector.
Registered Managers Network
The Registered Managers Network is supported by the Care Market Development Team and the Chair of the meeting Natalie Dibble can be contacted through the Care Market Development Team email:
Deputy Manager Network
Skills for Care run several Deputy manager networks, further information can be found on their website.
Managers Quality Networking Forum
Staffordshire Managers Quality Networking Form is an event which provides social care professionals, managers, owners, nurses etc with an opportunity to gain updates on the latest social care issues and networking opportunities with like-minded peers.
Further information and to reserve a place at the next event, use this link:
Social Care Academy for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent - Store
Midlands Nominated Individual Network
Skills for Care run several Nominated Individual networks, further information can be found on their website.
Skills for Care WhatsApp Group
There is a local WhatsApp group ran by Skills for Care, enabling you to speak to peers. for more information.