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Plan for the future with a lasting power of attorney

Plan for the future with a lasting power of attorney
We know that it’s hard to think about someone having to make decisions for us when we get older, but it always helps to plan ahead to make sure that you ensure those who you trust are ready and able to look after your financial, care and property affairs in the event you are unable to do so in the future.  It is important that you choose who you wish to represent you whilst you are still able to make decisions for yourself.

You should consider having a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for property and financial affairs and another for health and welfare.  An LPA enables someone you choose to support you in a temporary situation, for example, if you’re in hospital and need help with everyday tasks such as paying bills.  Also, if in the future you become unable to make your own decisions, an LPA can handle your affairs because you will have already made decisions about who will act in your best interests.

Don’t assume if you’re married or in a civil partnership that your spouse would automatically be able to deal with your bank account and pensions, and make decisions about your healthcare, if you are unable to make your own decisions. This is not the case. Without an Lasting Power of Attorney they won’t have the authority.

Once your LPAs are registered, you will have peace of mind in knowing that they are legally appointed and trusted individuals who can safeguard and protect your interests.   

Should an unfortunate event happen later, your spouse, children and relatives do not have to face the complications of a deputyship application nor manage the ongoing legal requirements.

You can apply and set up lasting power of attorney for yourself, you do not need a solicitor to do this for you.  Further information is available on the gov.uk website

However, if you would like some support setting up a power of attorney please find a list of agencies on our Staffordshire Connects website Staffordshire Connects | Service listings

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