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Weather Alerts

Weather Alerts

We know that the weather across the winter months can impact our most vulnerable residents and place additional pressures on the health and social care system.

The Council will contact providers in the event of specific weather warnings being issued (as per the below), via an email from ascincidentmanagement@staffordshire.gov.uk. If the alert period is extended, our Information for providers webpage will be updated accordingly.

Please note, these warnings will only typically be issued during standard office hours, so providers are encouraged to sign up for alerts directly.

Cold-Health Alerts

UKHSA have launched the Cold-Health Alerts to help with planning and preparedness across the winter months (1 November 2023 – 31 March 2024).

The alert service has 4 colour states: green (preparedness), yellow (response), amber (enhanced response) and red (emergency response).

The council will contact providers in the event of an amber or red alert being issued.

 Adult social care providers can can sign up to receive alerts directly and routinely check in for live dates using the interactive map function.

To help adult social care providers plan and respond, the following information may be useful:

Met Office updates

The Met Office frequently sends out weather warning updates, for example in the event of a storm, heavy rain and winds and snow, which may impact some or all of Staffordshire. The potential impacts may include, travel disruption, damage to buildings and loss of power to services and homes.

The council will contact providers in the event of specific yellow, amber and/or red warnings being issued where it is anticipated it will impact on the provision of care and support, for example where utilities may be affected / potential outages and / or significant travel disruptions.

The Met Office has a host of useful, practical advice and support, to help during periods of adverse weather.

Adult social care providers can sign up to receive updates directly and routinely check in for live updates using the interactive map function.

Flood warnings 

Adult social care providers, alongside other members of the local community, can sign up for free flood warnings via the national on-line service.

All you need is the address of your property / service(s), and email address and your preferred method of contact.

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