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Celebrating differences

Celebrating differences - Supporting positive change for Autism and learning disabilities

In Staffordshire we want to recognise and celebrate where organisations and community venues have made positive changes to become more accessible and inclusive to autistic adults, and adults with learning disabilities.

The Celebrating Differences campaign aims to:

  • Raise awareness of Autism and learning disabilities
  • Help other organisations make positive changes
  • Increase the confidence of autistic people and people with learning disabilities in accessing their local communities. 

Raising awareness

Educating people is a huge part of Autism acceptance. Watch the video below to see people's reaction in Staffordshire to a virtual reality film by the National Autistic Society about sensory overload.

See our Celebrating Differences FAQs

Supporting positive change

To support more organisations to make positive changes, we have created a support sheet highlighting the key things organisations could consider to be more supportive and inclusive. Can you make any of these adaptions to support change?

You can also view our campaign video about the benefits of employing neurodiverse people below: 

Increasing confidence

We asked individuals to send us their nominations of organisations that are being more inclusive and providing positive experiences. We have added these nominated organisations to the list so you can confidently access your local community. You can also look out for the Celebrating Differences stickers in windows.

If you’re Autistic and would like to discreetly let local businesses know, you can request one of the campaign wristbands. These have been developed with a stimming texture in mind. Please contact healthandcare@staffordshire.gov.uk to request one and show them to nominated organisations.

Have your say

If you’re Autistic, we’d love to receive your ideas for making organisations and venues more welcoming. Whether it’s a map on websites to more friendly, helpful staff. Please email your ideas tohealthandcare@staffordshire.gov.uk

More information

If you have been affected by the campaign and would like further information and advice around Autism please visit the Autism West Midlands website. 

Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Integrated Care System logoThis campaign has been funded by the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Integrated Care System. 

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