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Infrastructure Development Contacts

The Infrastructure Development & Improvements team forms part of the Highways and the Built County business area. 

Our postal address is:

Staffordshire County Council,
Infrastructure Development & Improvements
Third Floor, Staffordshire Place 1,
Tipping Street,
ST16 2LP

Staffordshire County Council, 
Third Floor,

No. 1 Staffordshire Place,

Tipping Street,
ST16 2DH

Local Area Contacts

If you have any enquiries or comments relating to a specific area in the County, please contact the relevant district or borough council email address below:

Cannock Chase Email: transportdccannock@staffordshire.gov.uk

East Staffordshire Email: transportdceaststaffs@staffordshire.gov.uk

Lichfield Email: transportdclichfield@staffordshire.gov.uk

Newcastle Email: transportdcnewcastle@staffordshire.gov.uk

Peak District Email: transportdcpeakpark@staffordshire.gov.uk

South Staffordshire Email: transportdcsouthstaffs@staffordshire.gov.uk

Stafford Email: transportdcstafford@staffordshire.gov.uk

Staffordshire Moorlands Email: transportdcmoo@staffordshire.gov.uk  

Tamworth Email: transportdctamworth@staffordshire.gov.uk


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