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Children and young people

Have your voice heard!

The PEP meeting is an opportunity for you to discuss what’s going well at school and if there is something, we can do to help you. 

Within the meeting we will get an update from your school, hear about your achievements and ambitions, explore opportunities for you to become successful. Ensure you are happy, comfortable and feel supported. It is the responsibility of those around you, such as your teacher’s, social worker, and family to help you to achieve your targets and aspirations.  

Click here for more information about personal education plan (PEP's)



Still not being heard?

Another way to have your say! 

The Voice Project 

Info for carers and professionals 

Please see our children in care page to access tools, resources and view u-pick guides, for more ways to support our children and encourage sharing their wishes and feelings.  



Virtual School opportunities

Throughout the academic year there will be opportunities available, that you may like to attend. Speak to your virtual school mentor to find out about the opportunities available to you, or visit our Arts, Sports and Culture page. 


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