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10. Grants Criteria

10. Grants Criteria

Grants received by Staffordshire County Council will be moderated to ensure applications are compliant with the requirement of the Scheme.  The moderation criteria are outlined below:


Pass: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council) have no omissions and all mandatory questions are completed.

Fail: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council have omissions and not all mandatory questions are completed.  


Pass: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council include the mandatory supporting documentation required (as set out in the Application). 

Fail: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council do not include the mandatory supporting documentation required (as set out in the Application). 


Pass: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council meet the required Safeguarding Requirements (as set out in the Application). 

Fail: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council do not meet the required Safeguarding Requirements (as set out in the Application). 


Pass: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council meet the requirements of the Grant (as set out In the Guidance and Application) and there is no evidence to suggest the application should be rejected.

Fail: Applications received by Staffordshire County Council do not meet the requirements of the Grant (as set out In the Guidance and Application) and there is evidence to suggest the application should be rejected.  


Applications will also be assessed using the Grants Criteria (outlined below) before being considered by a multi-agency Decision Making Panel:


Assessment criteria
EvidenceScore criteriaWeighting
Section 2

Activity proposal and planning:

Assessors will be looking for evidence that the activity has a defined aim and purpose and has been well planned out. It is achievable with key milestones and deliverables set within the timescales of the HAF programme.

Assessors will also be looking at how many children and young people will benefit from the project and how it will meet the needs of the target beneficiaries especially for those within priority groups and areas of greatest need.

Section 3

Activity and Food Standards:

Assessors will be looking for clearly articulated evidence of how the activity will meet the Standards Framework, set out by the Department of Education. This includes the Standards relating to Food, Enriching Activities, Physical Activities, Nutritional Education, Food Education for Families, Signposting and Referrals and Policies, Procedures and Guidance. 

Section 4


Assessors will be looking for clearly articulated evidence of how the activity will safeguard children and their families participating in the activity. Assessors will make this assessment in addition to the Compliance Checks undertaken through the moderation of the application.

Section 5

Partnership Working:

Assessors will be looking for evidence of how others such as volunteers / partners / communities are involved in the activity. Will the funding add value to the community?  

Section 6

Value for Money Project Costs:

Assessors will be looking the project offers good value for money, taking into the account number of people who will benefit and if any other sources of funding have also been awarded. Costs are reasonable, management costs or overheads are kept to a minimum. 


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