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Implement penalties for roadwork workers neglecting duties.

Implement penalties for roadwork workers neglecting duties.

Date received: 2 April 2024
Signatures received: 1
Name of petitioner: Chris Shepherd

Dear Mr Shepherd,

RECEIPT OF PETITION – Implement penalties for roadwork workers neglecting duties

I refer to the petition regarding the request for implementing penalties roadwork workers neglecting their duties.

Staffordshire County Council as a highway authority do have the facility to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) to statutory workers and others working within a highway. When works are submitted for completion within the highway a minor/standard/major permit is submitted depending on the timeframe of the works.

Our Traffic and Network Team assess any permits for working on the highway before agreeing them. This process includes assessing the traffic management, looking at the types of works and duration of works.

Whilst works are being undertaken we have network inspectors who will attend during and after works. During the works they will ensure the works being completed meet the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) legislation and after will complete coring samples. Should anything not be met to the required standards then the highway authority will issue a FPN and or defect to ensure any repairs required are fixed by the contractor.

Staffordshire County Council is a member of HAUC and JAG England. As part of this statutory undertakers and highway authorities set out timescales for works, whilst each site is different and it may not always be the same due to site specific requirements, this enables the highway authority to understand how long each type of job should take and ensures fair duration challenges.

I have attached a link to a useful website where you can see the different powers the highway authority have and the legislation for implementing penalties.  The Street Works (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2007 (legislation.gov.uk)

Whilst the above may occur for planned works, should an immediate or emergency permit be received and the  requirement for the contractors to get to the works straight away limited planning can sometimes cause them to be on site longer than anticipated.

Thank you once again for your petition and for bringing this matter to our attention.

Yours sincerely,

David Greatbatch

Community Highways Manager

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