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Campaign for a Safer Chester Road

Campaign for a Safer Chester Road

Date received: 12 October 2023
Signatures received: 1045
Name of petitioner: Mr Whitehouse

Petition response:

I refer to the petition, signed by local residents for a safer Chester Road, by way of improved road safety at the junctions of Lazy Hill, Gravely Lane and Main Street.

Staffordshire County Council takes road safety extremely seriously and as such we welcome communication from local residents offering suggestions to improve areas that are of particular concern to them.  All road safety improvements across the county are supported through the collation of objectively measured data which is challenged and rationalised.

All reported personal injury collisions across the County network are continually reviewed by a dedicated team. The routine analysis of the collision circumstances and contributory factors (such as speeding) identifies sites and routes where mitigation measures can be taken to reduce the number of people injured on our roads.

Staffordshire County Council has liaised with Walsall MBC and we understand they undertake an annual road safety review and that the junctions highlighted by the petition are encompassed in one of four sections of the A452 Chester Road due to be considered within their next road safety review which is expected in early 2024. We will endeavour to work collaboratively with Walsall MBC following this and will continue to liaise with them in relation to concerns raised by the local community.

In the meantime, local Highways officers will assess the elements of the road network in this area that fall under Staffordshire County Council’s responsibility, to ensure for example that signage, road markings and other highway infrastructure are all adequately visible and appropriately maintained.  

Further information on how Staffordshire County Council considers requests for road safety improvements can be found on our website at the following link: Road safety issues - Staffordshire County Council

Yours sincerely,

Garry Hunt
Community Highways Manager – Lichfield & Tamworth

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