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We promise to support your health, happiness and wellbeing

We promise to support your health, happiness and wellbeing

You said

  • "Support me with my health conditions, taking me to appointments and asking how I'm feeling."
  • “It’s important for young people to know where they have come from, their past and their identity.”
  • “Make sure I’m happy.”

“The corporate parents need to be made aware that it is a big issue, and that young people need support through it, even when they are in an unstable placement.” - Care experienced young person talking about mental health. 

Good health

Before you come into care, ask your family about you and your family’s health history (this is to find out if there are conditions such as diabetes in the family).

Ask you to have a basic health check when you come into care - helping us and you understand how healthy you are (really informal and you won’t need to undress or talk about things you don’t want to). You can have a health check every year for as long as you are in our care if you want to.

You are registered straight away with a doctor, dentist and optician.

Talk about your health at every cared for/ pathway plan review. Making sure all your plans are joined up.

Help you attend appointments if you are a care leaver.

Provide information and advice for you and your carers on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Provide a leisure allowance for care leavers.

Create a health passport for when you leave care which lists things such as the injections you’ve had.

Understand who you are and develop your own identity

During assessments before you come into care, we will gather as much information about you and your family as possible.

Help you to understand your past and what’s happening in your future.

Ensure you have access to support to help you develop your identity, including social activities.

Create opportunities for you to meet other cared for children or care leavers through the Children in Care Council, Care Leavers Forum and other events.

Support you to succeed

Support you to feel happy and healthy.

Support you to do well at home and at school/ college.

Support you to have friends and a strong support network.

Healthy and safe relationships

Help you to develop and maintain relationships with people that are important to you.

Promote family time that meets your needs.

Help you to maintain or regain contact with people important to you.

Help you to understand the dangers of risky relationships and misusing drugs and alcohol.

Build emotional resilience

Continue to work with you and your family during your care journey to see if there are any opportunities for you to safely return home.

Provide you with access to advocacy and independent visitor service when you need it.

Help you to manage your mental health by making sure you know which services can support you.

Make sure, every year, your foster carers (if you are aged between 2 and 17) complete a strengths and difficulties questionnaire which helps us understand how you are feeling emotionally.

Support you to be a good parent when the time comes

Provide you with the support you need at the earliest opportunity.

Provide you with a mentor who has parenting experience if you want one.

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