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People are parking inconsiderately and making it difficult for me to enter/exit my driveway and see oncoming traffic. What can I do?

People are parking inconsiderately and making it difficult for me to enter/exit my driveway and see oncoming traffic. What can I do?

If there are no existing parking restrictions then there is very little we can do to respond positively to this problem. We would suggest that neighbour disputes associated with parking should be resolved though amicable or mediated discussions, but we do not have resources available to facilitate or accommodate these discussions.

If it is not possible to resolve the problem in this way, you could consider requesting that we implement a traffic regulation order, such as double yellow lines, but these schemes have to be firstly prioritised by the local county councillor over other similar community requests. They take a long time to introduce, they have a significant cost attached to them and they must have a majority of support of the community.

If you live near a retail outlet, school, church or other local amenity which generates a lot of on-street non-resident parking, you may be eligible to  apply for an access protection marking.

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